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Sexton Exterminating, Payson

Arizona pest control you can count on. Top Rated, BBB A+, Locally Owned & Trusted. Get your free estimate today. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Pest Control The Owner of Sexton Exterminating is Rick Sexton Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : First established 1960, Sexton Pest Control in Arizona has long been the benchmark for Phoenix exterminators and has been serving Phoenix metropolitan areas including Tempe, Gilbert, Chandler & other surrounding cities. The company has a legacy of integrity, innovation, commitment, and passion that drives it to be the best of the best. Whether it is bee removal Phoenix or clearing out infestations of bed bugs, whether its rat populations or fire ants, or bee hives, Sexton Pest Control has the tools and the experience to handle it all. Sexton has made it its mission to provide unparalleled service and work to guarantee customer satisfaction, whether it is dealing with weeds, pests, termites, or more. We prove ourselves every day as industry leaders, being the best and using the best.
Established in 1960, Paul Sexton Sr. began this business with these principals in mind: integrity, passion, innovation, and an uncompromising commitment to complete customer satisfaction. It is with that same vision and conviction, Kent Sexton Jr. (Owner/President), since 1986, has led and directed Sexton Pest Control to become one of the largest and well respected pest control companies in Arizona. We attribute our success to three key areas. First, committed, caring, and knowledgeable team members whose dedication, passion, and pursuit for excellence in exceeding the customer

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Sexton Exterminating in Payson you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 817 S Beeline Hwy
85541, Payson, Arizona

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